All-new stories featuring Jaime's Maggie and Ray, plus Gilbert's Fritz and the "Sad Girl."
After Jaime's two-part super-hero epic from Love and Rockets: New Stories #1 and #2, we return to the enthralling minutiae of the "Locas" cast's lives for the first time in three years. In the main story Ray finally gets his date with Maggie: The couple goes to an art opening and to dinner, they discuss the crazy world of dreams, and Maggie asks Ray for a huge favor. Also in this volume, "Brown Town, Blue Sun," a new installment in Jaime's beloved "little kids" flashback series: A ten-year-old Maggie and her family move away from Hoppers to a desert ghost town…
And on the Gilbert side of the ledger, "Scarlet by Starlight" is a story starring Fritz (of High Soft Lisp fame) that (in contrast to #2's silent masterpiece "Hypnotwist") consists entirely of a 14-page dialogue scene. "Killer/Sad Girl/Star" picks up the "Sad Girl" character from LRNS #2, and how no one in her family takes her budding film career seriously.